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Free Zone Pirot

Free Zone Pirot AD is located in the southeastern part of Serbia on the pan-European corridor Xc, near corridors IV and VIII, the shortest connection between Europe and Asia. It is 80km from Sofia and 75 km from Nis. It is equipped with a complete infrastructure and a goods-transport center. It covers an area of 122ha 02 and 86 m2. The area of office space in the Free Zone is 14,479 m2, and the closed production space is 215,917 m2. The area of the closed storage space is 200,920 m2 and the open 648,491 m2.

Free Zone Pirot had a total of 102 users in 2016, of which 67 domestic and 35 foreign. All users together employ a total of 6016 workers. Production is engaged in 18 domestic users, while 49 domestic and 35 foreign users are engaged in construction and service activities. Among them, Tigar Tyres, part of the Michelin Group that produces car tires, as well as Tigar A.D., which produces in addition to footwear, technical tires and many other rubber products, operates successfully.

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It offers investors greenfield and brownfield locations where all the benefits provided by the Republic of Serbia, the law on free zones, local self-government and the benefits of the logistics center are combined in one place, enabling users to operate more efficiently and significantly save.

General benefits that the Republic of Serbia offers to investors operating in free zones

  • The products (51% of the Serbian government) exported to the Russian market with a custom of 0%;

  • Low income: VAT 20% -in free zone0%, property tax 0.4%, profit tax 15%.

  • Access to the free trade zone with the placement of goods for over one billion people through a large number of free trade agreements (EU, CEFTA, EFTA, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Turkey, USA)

  • For investments exceeding RSD 1 billion and at least 100 employees have not been paid for 10 years,

  • They are exempted from the payment of the legal persons of companies for work training, vocational rehabilitation and employment of disabled people in proportion to the participation of these people in the total number of employed people.

Benefits applicable in all Free Zones of Serbia

  • The export of goods and services from the zone and import of goods and services into the zone are free and they are not paid by customs and other duties.

  • Imported equipment, machinery and construction materials are exempt from customs duties and other duties.

  • Value added tax is not paid on the entry of goods into the free zone.

  • Value added tax is not paid on the provision of transport and other services to users of free zones that are directly related to the entry of goods into the free zone.

  • Value added tax is not paid on energy products (electricity, gas, fuel oil, coal).


Based on the Decision of the City of Pirot on the award of small value assistance to business entities in the territory of the city of Pirot (No. 06/37 of 19.09.2016.) special benefits were granted to business entities:

  • For the construction of objects:

  • at the city administration of the City of Pirot are not paid:

  • all administrative fees and local utility fees for obtaining approvals for the execution of works and use permits,

  • contribution to the development of building land,

  • compensation for the certificate of the right of construction

  • Public utility companies are not paid for:

  • fee for issuing conditions for connection to municipal infrastructure,

  • fee for issuing consent for connection to municipal infrastructure,

  • fee for connection to utility infrastructure (except material costs)

  • In the exploitation of facilities for a period of three years from the moment of issuance of the Decision on the use permit for newly built facilities:

  • • the city administration of the City of Pirot does not pay local communal fees,

  • for public utility companies, half of the utility fee is paid according to the current price for industrial facilities

  • 50% property tax with the Local Tax Administration of pirot city administration


Advantages of the logistics center of the Free Zone Pirot

  • Employed staff in the Free Zone Pirot in the freight forwarding sector with licenses for customs representation enables very fast implementation of the procedure of import / export of goods. Efficiency is also contributed by the presence of customs duties i.e. customs report and terminal for customs inspections. We also have a parking lot for trucks provided by the security service.

In addition to freight forwarding services, we also provide domestic and international transport services, storage services, transshipment of goods in the open and closed storage space at affordable prices. Users of free zone Pirot, also have at their disposal a professional workforce of different profiles for physical and administrative tasks. On infrastructurally equipped land in an industrial park, you can build your own storage or production space.

For its work Free Zone Pirot has received many awards, among which we highlight four national awards "Best from Serbia", VIRTUS award for corporate philanthropy in 2013. In the list of the most attractive places for investing in the world with the greatest benefits of users, in 2012 Free Zone Pirot ranked 41st. In 2014, free zone Pirot was among the 34 best zones in the world according to estimates of the largest center for evaluation of potential investment locations of foreign direct investments magazine, part of the Financial Times.

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